AIRFRAME TT: 1160. Last annual 12/15/16, light sport eligible, Garmin 396, KX175B Nav/Com, Collins Mode C Xpndr, New Upholstery, No corrosion issues, Gross weight has been increased to 1320lbs per STC, Large rear windows, Cleveland brakes, new battery, dual fork nose strut. Ceconite wings, no rudder pedals. ENGINE 1160TT, 864 SMOH. 85HP, Climb Prop, Compressions all in the 70s, “Real Gaskets” pushrod tube seal kit installed, All cylinders have Airmotive mods: Rotocoil, valve springs, ni-resist guides, rocker shafts with thrust buttons (in 2009), MA3SPA carb installed in 2010.
Price: Auction
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Location: Las Cruces, New Mexico, United States