This aircraft has a total time of 2588 hrs.  The Continental 225 HP engine was zero timed by Western Skyways in 1971 at 1501 hrs so now has a total time of 1087.  The engine was also recently overhauled in 2010.  The Hartzell HC-12×20-7D prop was overhauled in Aug of 2016.  The aircraft was in annual until last November 2017.  It has a relatively new new ignition harness, battery, tires, left side brake disc vaccum pump and the new Sierra Aero fuel valve (meeting the AD reqmt).  Avionics include King KMD150 GPS w/moving map display, PS Engineering PS6000 Audio panel, two Narco Com 810 TSO coms and a King KT79 digital transponder with encoder.

Price: Auction

More info: Listing has ended. Click to search on eBay for similar 1948 North American Aviation (Affiliate link)

Location: South Beach, Oregon, United States